Postpone your trip at no cost

If you plan to travel to Canada in 2021 or 2022 and the coronavirus situation forces restrictions on your ability to travel, you can postpone your trip to the dates of your choice, at no additional cost.


Road trip by car

You have up to 30 days before your departure date to decide to postpone your trip, otherwise the general conditions of sale should apply.

We guarantee the price of the rescheduled trip, under the same conditions, if it is postponed to the same period the following year.


Road trip by RV

You have up to 45 days before your departure date to postpone your trip, otherwise the general conditions of sale should apply.

We guarantee the price of the rescheduled trip, under the same conditions, if it is postponed to the same period the following year, with the exception of motorhome rental. The rental price of the vehicle must be assessed according to the new conditions of the rental companies.


Plane tickets

If you purchased your plane tickets via Authentik, deferral will only be possible if the selected airline allows it.

Note that some airlines do not reimburse canceled flights at all (or only partially). In this case, we have no other option but to keep the amount equivalent to the price of the tickets, retained from your deposit.


This “Peace of Mind” guarantee is valid for all reservations made after June 17, 2020.

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