Distance table : Eastern Canada (km)


When planning a trip to Canada, it is important to consider the distances between destinations, which can be considerable!

Note that the highway speed limit is 100 km/hour. Calculate your travel times to make sure your route is realistic!

Consult our Eastern Canada road trips for ideas!



1404 1065 1148 1021 301 546 130 400 1351 742 563 765 1018  Toronto 
*403 *119 *469 *178 *803 *472 *1148 *679 *328 *418 *602 *219  Tadoussac
605 266 649 240 503 253 929 460 552 199 383  Quebec City
988 649 1032 605 380 130 935 170 675 301  Tremblant
805 503 848 279 446 196 1004 406 759   Mauricie National Park
132 *441 217 *500 1055 805 1481 1012  Gaspésie National Park
1141 672 1116 628 142 207 530  Ottawa
1534 1195 1578 1151 403 676  Niagara Falls
858 519 902 475 250  Montreal
1119 769 1152 765  Thousand Islands
*567 107 *640  Lac St-Jean
219 *588  Forillon
*522  Saguenay National Park

* An asterisk * indicates that the route includes a ferry crossing
* Online distance calculators for Quebec and Ontario
* Google Maps is a useful tool for selecting routes and calculating distances

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