How to ruin your trip to Canada in 5 easy steps

Is a trip to Canada your dream of a lifetime? 

There's so much to see and do in our great outdoors; that's why messing up your road trip can be a difficult task

To help you out, here are 5 easy steps to be sure to completely ruin your trip to Canada.


  • #1. Try to see everything
  • #2. Wait till the last minute to rent your car or RV
  • #3. Don't book your accommodations or campgrounds in advance
  • #4. Use the wrong fuel
  • #5. Leave without your driver's license

#1. Try to see everything

how to ruin your trip to Canada
Try to see everything

A Canadian road trip is often synonymous with long distances. 

And when we say long, we mean HUGE.

While you're here, you may as well see everything, from east to west, right?

After all, it's only 243,042 kilometres, so it's easy to do in 2 weeks! 

In short, it's simple: just avoid booking more than one night in the same place.

Packing and unpacking your bags every day will keep you in shape.

And getting home stressed and tired is the best way to prove that your vacation was a success. :;): emoji 

#2. Wait till the last minute to rent your car or RV

how to ruin your trip to Canada
Don't book your vehicle in advance

With so many roads, there should be no lack of vehicles in Canada!

It's best to wait to rent your car or RV. There's no point being in a hurry.

Saving money and benefitting from rental companies' "early booking" specials is hardly worthwhile

And if the model you want is no longer available, you can make do.

It's a well-known fact that taking long trips in an overcrowded vehicle builds strong family ties! :;): emoji


#3. Don't book your accommodations or campgrounds in advance

ruin your trip to Canada
Don't book your accommodations in advance

At the moment, nobody wants to spend time in nature in Canada.

It's better to wait till the last minute to book your accommodations or campgrounds. 

Besides, if I remember correctly, increased demand leads to lower prices, doesn't it?

If worst comes to worst, it will be easy to find something on the spot without too much trouble. 

And anyway, last-minute availabilities tend to be the nicest rooms and the nicest campsites, as everyone knows. 


#4. Use the wrong fuel

what not to do when you travel to Canada
Use the wrong fuel

Vehicles are the same everywhere.

So when it comes time to fill up, it's better to go with what you know. 

Reading the rental company's documents or getting information before leaving is too much of an effort when you're on vacation. 

Anyway, how much damage can it do?

And I'm sure it's covered by insurance...  By the way, don't bother to read the insurance policy!


#5. Leave without your driver's license

ruin your Canada road trip in 5 easy steps
Forget to bring your driver's license

Dragging your driver's license to Canada is a good way to lose it. 

Why not just bring a photocopy

After all, I'm sure rental companies trust their customers with their eyes closed. 

In fact, they must trust them so much that they don't require a credit card either. 

A security deposit? What for? 

You're not thieves. 

And we're talking about a vehicle that's not worth that much. :;): emoji 


:star: emoji Bonus: Underestimate the Canadian winter

travel myths canada winter
The Canadian winter... no problem!

You're not a fool. 

Winter is winter. Winter in Canada can't be worse than in the UK or Germany. 

No need to bring coats and snow pants: you're not visiting the north pole!

And you can stay in a tent in winter, can't you?

Come on, a winter camping trip to Canada... it's settled!


There you go! Now you're ready for the worst vacation of your life!

Do you have any other ideas on how to ruin your trip to Canada? Feel free to share them in the comments section below

Karolane Lessard

An enthusiast of both our vibrant cities & great oudoors, my life revolves around travel & adventure. It's a no brainer that I have to share the wonders & secrets of my neck of the woods with other travelling souls. Enjoy the journey!


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Nate April 4, 2023, 11h59
ROFL, love it!!????????
Karolane Lessard April 5, 2023, 17h35
I'm glad you caught the second degree, and it got a laugh out of you, Nate!
Have a great day! :)
Henry April 4, 2023, 11h31
All the people and culture is the same as back home, so there is no need to try to learn the customs of the areas. WRONG!!! Learning about the area that is visited will increase the appreciation of the area.
Karolane Lessard April 5, 2023, 17h34
Ha ha, thank you for your bonus entry, Henry!
100% agreed! :)

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