Western conquest
/ adult
+ vehicle
To calculate your price, you must first enter a departure date and specify the number of travellers.

Explore the must-sees of Western Canada. The natural beauty of Vancouver Island, the waterfalls of Wells Gray Park and the awe-inspiring peaks of the Rockies will blow your mind!
- Day 1Vancouver
- Day 2Vancouver
- Day 3Vancouver / Victoria (116 km)
- Day 4Victoria
- Day 5Victoria / Whistler (275 km)
- Day 6Whistler / Wells Gray Provincial Park (450 km)
- Day 7Wells Gray Provincial Park
- Day 8Wells Gray Provincial Park / Jasper (347 km)
- Day 9Jasper
- Day 10Jasper / Banff (293 km)
- Day 11Banff
- Day 12Banff
- Day 13Banff / Calgary (124 km)
- Day 14Calgary