Us, ye, and the Islands !

4.11 (9 reviews)
From2,437 / adult+ vehicle
To calculate your price, you must first enter a departure date and specify the number of travellers.
2 travellers 1 room


From the beaches of the Islands to the charms of Gaspésie, discover picturesque villages and soak up the rhythm of the waves. A journey that connects us, you and these enchanting islands.
  • Day 1
  • Day 2
    Montreal / Bas St-Laurent (435 km)
  • Day 3
    Bas St-Laurent / Matapedia Valley (207 km)
  • Day 4
    Matapedia Valley / Kouchibouguac National Park (330 km)
  • Day 5
    Kouchibouguac National Park / Prince Edward Island (215 km)
  • Day 6
    Prince Edward Island / Magdalen Islands (228 km)
  • Day 7
    Magdalen Islands
  • Day 8
    Magdalen Islands
  • Day 9
    Magdalen Islands
  • Day 10
    Magdalen Islands
  • Day 11
    Magdalen Islands / Acadie (618 km)
  • Day 12
    Acadie / Baie des Chaleurs (203 km)
  • Day 13
    Baie des Chaleurs / Percé (207 km)
  • Day 14
    Percé / Forillon National Park (63 km)
  • Day 15
    Forillon National Park / Gaspesie National Park (201 km)
  • Day 16
    Gaspesie National Park
  • Day 17
    Gaspesie National Park / Bic National Park (167 km)
  • Day 18
    Bic National Park
  • Day 19
    Bic National Park / Montreal (577 km)
  • Day 20

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