The Maritimes by RV

4.58 (12 reviews)
From$1,032 / adult+ vehicle
To calculate your price, you must first enter a departure date and specify the number of travellers.
2 travellers 1 room


Discover the tides of the Bay of Fundy and Kouchibouguac and the breathtaking scenery of Cape Breton on this road trip that promises rich experiences and a memorable maritime escapade.
  • Day 1
  • Day 2
    Halifax / Bay of Fundy (336 km)
  • Day 3
    Bay of Fundy
  • Day 4
    Bay of Fundy
  • Day 5
    Bay of Fundy / Kouchibouguac National Park (201 km)
  • Day 6
    Kouchibouguac National Park
  • Day 7
    Kouchibouguac National Park / Prince Edward Island (210 km)
  • Day 8
    Prince Edward Island
  • Day 9
    Prince Edward Island / Cape Breton (576 km)
  • Day 10
    Cape Breton
  • Day 11
    Cape Breton
  • Day 12
    Cape Breton
  • Day 13
    Cape Breton / Halifax (343 km)
  • Day 14

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