Indian summer by RV

4.43 (14 reviews)
From$1,135 / adult+ vehicle
To calculate your price, you must first enter a departure date and specify the number of travellers.
2 travellers 1 room


Breathtaking panoramas await you in the jewel of Quebec autumn: from the splendor of the Mauricie region to the colorful valleys of Jacques Cartier Park, you'll be amazed by these majestic sceneries.
  • Day 1
  • Day 2
    Montreal / Mauricie (197 km)
  • Day 3
  • Day 4
    Mauricie / Jacques-Cartier Park (201 km)
  • Day 5
    Jacques-Cartier Park
  • Day 6
    Jacques-Cartier Park / Saguenay Fjord (243 km)
  • Day 7
    Saguenay Fjord
  • Day 8
    Saguenay Fjord / Tadoussac (134 km)
  • Day 9
  • Day 10
    Tadoussac / Quebec City (226 km)
  • Day 11
    Quebec City
  • Day 12
    Quebec City / Eastern Townships (269 km)
  • Day 13
    Eastern Townships
  • Day 14
    Eastern Townships / Oka National Park (176 km)
  • Day 15
    Oka National Park / Montreal (45 km)

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